Monday, June 21, 2010

Thank You for everything you do :)

Especially for,
Ci Herlina,Ci Nirmala,Ci Agnes,Kezia,Jesslyn,Jessica Jap,Merlin,Kak Metlin,Kak Merry,Ci Azal,Ci Laras,and Ci Steffi.....

I could write for hours,
Use the finest words in Webster's,
Fill pages upon pages with verse -
Only two words are needed,
Two words are everything I want to say:

Thank you.

Two words, two syllables
So tiny,
In these words I say so many things -
You are very special,
Holding my hand when the world is too much,
Hugging me when I can not bear life:

Thank you.

I have shown you my heart of hearts,
The person inside I am afraid to reveal.
Your sweet words and sweet face,
Bringing me back from the edge,
All I can do is . . .

Thank you.

with love,
vania sharleen.ducil


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